2016: the year of spaciousness

Because there's more to life than work

The warm satisfaction of completion…


Yay! I finally finished my knitted socks, after a couple of hours at knit group this morning and another few this afternoon. And as it was also really cold, I got the ultimate satisfaction of wearing my socks the minute they were finished.

IMG_1836It was only when I went to record their completion on the fantastic online knitting database, Ravelry, that I realised it has taken me 51 weeks to finish them! This is definitely the slowest pair of socks I’ve ever made – I can normally polish a pair off easily in one month. I think I’d been delaying finishing them as I thought it was actually going to take much longer than it did – soon as I got started it wasn’t bad at all. It was the same this week when I blitzed my home office. The piles of books, papers and everything else had been bugging me for months, but once I got started it actually only took about 20 minutes a day for a week to get it all beautifully clear (and it was during the aforementioned clearance that I unearthed the above unfinished socks. Ahem. )

Which makes me wonder what else I’m putting off, thinking that it’ll take ages when that’s just not the case. Something to ponder maybe…


2 thoughts on “The warm satisfaction of completion…

  1. great job! I just ordered some sock yarn last night, can’t wait to start another pair. love my dpn’s. I love the yarn you used too. 🙂

    • Socks are kinda compulsive aren’t they…went through a phase couple of years back where that was all I knitted! And the choice of yarns is just fab, now deciding which of my stash to tackle next 🙂

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